
Showing posts from August, 2022

Genealogy Adventures with Trish (Part 2)

Part 2 of the inaugural episode of Genealogy Adventures with Trish. I have worked with Cindy for about 15 years & have shared my interest in genealogy. After I excitedly shared with Cindy that I discovered a Mayflower ancestor on my line, she asked if she had one, too. So I searched. Before long, I discovered that we share a set of Great Grandparents! After visiting Boston, we ventured off to find the grave of our shared 9th Great Grandfather, John Prescott, founder of Lancaster. Looking for Old Settlers’ Burial, we parked off Rte 70 & explored a small cemetery. Only upon further investigation, all the headstones in this cemetery were from the wrong era. 1800s. We needed the 1600s. We tried GPS again, which brought us to a canoe launch. Where in the world was this cemetery? Did I mention that it was 90 degrees out and the dewpoint was about 70? We were melting! We finally decided to go to the local library for guidance. While trying to get into an unused town hall near the libr

Genealogy Adventures with Trish (Part 1)

On today's inaugural episode of Genealogy Adventures with Trish (part 1), we share today's genealogy journey of researcher Patricia St. Marie (Trish) and client/co-worker/cousin Cindy Borowski. The first stop of the day was in search of a vital record for a close relative of Cindy's. However, the town in which the birth was recorded had a fire and there are no records of birth prior to 1955 at the town level. The town clerk shared that we could go to the state archive at the Registry of Vital Statistics. Checking with the office of the Registry, they had a flood in Feb 2022 and the research room is not open to the public. We will have to submit a request to have it mailed. Not all genealogy research goes as planned. Alright, plan B. Cindy requested we find her Great Grandparents grave. With the help of her mom and aunt, we were able to determine the cemetery was in Boston. We travelled to Boston and got the information we needed to locate the grave. With a map from the ceme