Robert E. McKeon and the Third Gold Star

Robert E. McKeon of Worc., MA

Robert Emmett McKeon was born on the 12th of April 1927, the 7th child of Frank and Mary (Steemson) McKeon, in Worcester, Massachusetts. Robert was a twin to sister Mary C. McKeon. Robert's twin was born with spina bifida and she only lived for three months. Mary, Robert's twin, was the second baby that my Great-Grandparents would bury but not the last child that they would bury in their lifetime.

Robert was a Private, 1st Class, serving with the 21st Infantry, 24th Division, as a Light Weapons Infantryman assigned to a post in Japan before the U.S. involvement in the Korean War. At the end of June 1950, Robert and his military unit were called to action to go to Korea to provide support to the South Koreans in what we would later learn was operation Task Force Smith. Robert was Killed in Action on 5 July 1950 in the Battle of Osan. My great grandparents were notified he was Missing in Action via telegram on the 18th of July 1950 and were later notified by telegram on the 7th of May 1953 that he was KIA on the 5th of July 1950 despite being previously reported as MIA. My great grandfather died in Feb 1951 not knowing the status of his son.

Robert E. McKeon was the third son that the McKeon family would lose to war and the 5th child that my great grandmother Mary would bury before her death.

Robert E. McKeon was the 1st casualty of the Korean War from Worcester, Massachusetts and was the third brother honored with a gold star on the McKeon Road sign from a grateful city.

Telegrams and photos provided by nephew Francis W. McKeon and grand niece Patricia St. Marie.

Do you have relatives in your family tree that have given the ultimate sacrifice for their country? Let us help you discover their story through genealogy research!

#genealogy #progenofne #worcesterma #KoreanWar #ancestry #purpleheart #goldstarfamily #McKeonbrothers #McKeonRoad

Robert E. McKeon, MIA Telegram 1950

Robert E. McKeon, KIA Telegram, 1953

McKeon Road street sign, Worcester, MA with 3 Gold Stars

McKeon Square Memorial sign in Worcester, Massachusetts


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